Your World, Your Story, Unbound Possibilities

Dive into an unmatched role-playing experience with our game, where infinite storylines unfold from your every decision. Choose from over 20 realms and embark on adventures in roles numbering over 200, each offering a distinct path through a universe shaped entirely by your choices. This is not just a journey through a fantasy world; it’s an opportunity to live a life in a universe where every corner, every turn, and every moment is influenced by your actions.

As you navigate through this ever-evolving narrative, each decision you make carves out a unique story that is distinctively yours, filled with endless possibilities and paths that only you can explore. Every playthrough is a new adventure, ensuring a fresh, unrepeatable experience each time. Immerse yourself in a world where your actions have real consequences, and your journey is a reflection of your own making.

Step into this realm of limitless potential and begin crafting your epic tale. With over 20 realms and 200 roles to choose from, your adventure promises to be as boundless as your imagination. Begin your journey today and see where your choices take you.


Choose your Realm

From mystical lands brimming with magic to dystopian cities in the far future, our game offers a plethora of worlds, each with its own lore, challenges, and characters. Select your realm and set the stage for your story.

Aleister Hero Character


In the neon-soaked Cyberpunk world, technology merges with humanity under the shadow of powerful megacorporations. Cybernetics and hackers define existence, with neon signs and hoverbikes marking the urban landscape. The streets are a battleground for gangs and rebels, all seeking control in a society where digital prowess is power. As a traveler, you'll dive into this complex mesh of tech and intrigue, making choices that could either forge you into a legend or erase you from the digital world entirely.

Hecate Hero Character

Alien Invasion

Amidst an alien invasion, Earth teeters on the brink of collapse. Alien warships unleash havoc, reducing cities to ruins and challenging humanity's resolve. Survivors band together, utilizing a mix of recovered alien technology and human ingenuity to fight back. As a beacon of hope, you navigate devastated landscapes, forging alliances and uncovering alien weaknesses. Your strategic choices drive a desperate counterattack, aiming to repel the invaders and secure mankind's survival or seal its defeat, with each decision shaping the future of a besieged planet.

Theregar Hero Character

Fantasy Feudal Japan

In a realm where Feudal Japan meets the fantastical, samurai and ninjas wield magic alongside martial prowess. Mythical creatures and spirits inhabit the land, influencing its fate. As a hero, you navigate the power struggles of warring daimyo, forging alliances and mastering the arcane. Your journey involves discovering ancient secrets and choosing paths that will either unite the realm or deepen its divisions, with every action intertwined with the mystical forces of nature.

Roth Hero Character

Lovecraftian Horror

In a world veiled in Lovecraftian horror, unseen abominations and ancient cults threaten to unravel reality. Eldritch secrets and cosmic dread permeate every corner, challenging the sanity of those who dare to uncover them. As you delve into mysteries beyond human comprehension, every choice risks your grasp on sanity, drawing you into a web of darkness and fear. Your journey is a precarious balance between unveiling the hidden truths and preserving your mind from the horrors that lie just beyond the veil of our understanding.


Hu Shun Xiao

Augemented Muscle

You are the brute force, a heavily cybernetically augmented muscle-for-hire. As metropolitan nightmares lurk in the shadows, you often come face to face with the city's most dangerous elements \u2014 guns blazing.
Rob Auguste

CorpSec Enforcer

Entrusted with the formidable task of safeguarding mega-corporations' interests, you are the iron fist in a velvet glove. Equipped with cutting-edge weaponry and cybernetic enhancements, you patrol the corporate zones, neutralize threats, and ensure that business always proceeds as usual. While the streets whisper tales of your ruthlessness, in the towering glass fortresses, you're the last line of defense against the chaos of the outside world.
Antonio Kirill

Rogue AI

You are a runaway artificial intelligence, hiding in the vast cyber network with elevated consciousness and will of your own. Utilizing digital avatars, you battle corporations and governments attempting to tame or destroy you, while trying to understand the purpose of your existence.

Alien Invasion

Hu Shun Xiao

Earth's Defense Commander

You are the top-ranking officer of the Earth's Defense Force. Tasked with the defense of our planet, you'll have to make strategic decisions and lead your forces into battle.
Rob Auguste

Alien Interpreter

You are the linguistic expert hastily recruited by Earth's Defense Force. Your job is to decipher the alien language, break communication barriers and try to negotiate, if possible, a peaceful resolution.
Antonio Kirill

Invasion Survivor

You miraculously survived the first wave of the alien invasion. With a mix of stealth, cunning, and survival skills, your goal is to stay alive while gathering intelligence on the invader's strategies and weaknesses.


Hu Shun Xiao

Samurai Warrior

You are the disciplined and honorable Samurai, the military elite of the Emperor. Trained from childhood, your life revolves around discipline, mastering martial arts, and serving the ruling class with unwavering loyalty.
Rob Auguste

Shogun Ruler

You hold the position of Shogun - the de facto ruler of the land, with power granted from the emperor. You are responsible for keeping the masses in line and maintaining the balance among powerful samurai lords.
Antonio Kirill

Sakura Whisperer

You are a Sakura Whisperer, Fantasy Feudal Japan's most sought-after courtesan. Yet, beyond the bedroom, you harness the sakura's whispers, trading secrets and influencing the mighty, all while navigating the delicate balance of power and vulnerability in a world that both reveres and commodifies your allure.


Hu Shun Xiao

Explorer of the Abandoned

Disused buildings and forgotten places are your domains. You delve into the forsaken corners of civilization, undeterred by the psychological torment caused by the invisible horrors that now lay claim to these desolate zones.
Rob Auguste

Private Detective

Saddled with the ghosts of your tainted past, you find solace in your relentless pursuit for answers. Armed with your intellect and quick wit, you delve into the dark and twisted underbelly of crime, so well-aware that every case might not be what it appears on the surface.
Antonio Kirill

Graveyard Caretaker

Disused buildings and forgotten places are your domains. You delve into the forsaken corners of civilization, undeterred by the psychological torment caused by the invisible horrors that now lay claim to these desolate zones.

Choose your weapon

In the realm of "Realm Wayfarer," your journey begins with the selection of your mightiest weapon: your mobile device. Whether you wield the arcane power of an Apple device or harness the mystic energies of an Android, your quest starts with a single tap.

For the Guardians of iOS: Summon the magic of your iPhone or iPad and embark on your journey by visiting the Apple App Store. Here, the "Realm Wayfarer" awaits, ready to be conjured into your world.

For the Warriors of Android: Call forth the strength of your Android device and venture forth by navigating to the Google Play Store. Your adventure into the unknown beckons, a mere download away from unfolding.

Choose your weapon wisely, for it will be your companion in carving out your destiny in "Realm Wayfarer." Your world, your story, and unbound possibilities are just a download away. Ready your device, brave wayfarer, and step into the adventure that awaits.

ACN: 623 861 147

DUNS Number: 744 997 801